Helping kids launch their faith!

What is JumpStart?

JumpStart is our Sunday morning kids program here at KCF for kids 5 and up.  

If you’re a grown-up and you’ve been following Jesus for a while, you’ve probably figured out a few ways to grow spiritually. The kids you’re parenting, on the other hand, aren’t grown-ups, so they might need a little help from you to figure out how, exactly, to grow spiritually.

Or if you are a new believer, your kids may not know a lot of Bible stories.  We are honoured to be able to teach them these stories and principles for the first time and to be help them to grow in their faith!

So what should spiritual growth look like for a kid? We like to think about it in terms of four spiritual habits.

1.  To help a kid grow spiritually
2.  Teach them to spend time with God
3.  Spend time with others, use their gifts
4.  Share their story

We believe these are 4 keys to discipleship that will help kids launch their faith.

So...what happens there?

We use a wonderful curriculum called Grow.  Our program includes fun videos, creative crafts, and lessons from God's Word.  We strike a balance between using technology and face to face teaching.

We really feel that your kids will love our program, and you will too!

Every Sunday we send your kids home with their colouring sheet or craft from that day, a card with our memory verse (great for lockers, mirrors, bookmarks) and a summary sheet for parents!  The summary sheet even has questions you can ask your kids about what they learned to start conversations!

Meet the Palynchuks

Paul and Chantal head up the JumpStart program with help of their highly appreciated volunteers.  Chantal has various degrees in child and youth social work and also heads up the iKids  Friday and Summer Camp programs.  Paul makes sure the computers turn on, is a master of building random things out of cardboard and occasionally uses oven mitts as puppets.  Their daughter, Abigail, does her best to make sure that mommy and daddy do all the amazing things they do on very little sleep.

JumpStart at Home

We know that you can't always make it to church on Sunday.  We want to help your kids launch their faith in any way we can, so we've put together this handy resource page with everything you might need to teach your kids at home.  

Every month we have a different theme and have lesson plans, videos, workbooks, colouring pages and even crafts you can do at home.  Check it out!

Register your family!

Click the link below to fill out a quick little form to register your family for JumpStart.
We ask everyone to fill this form out the first time they come, so if you do it now, you'll save time later and have more time to visit when you visit us in person!

Please list all parents / guardians

These are the people we will know are approved to pick up your kids from the kids room.

Please list all kids

We offer programs for kids from 4 and up.  Kids under 4 are welcome to stay with you in the main service or we do have a full nursery available for your use with a monitor to watch and listen to the service.

I, the parent/guardian do hereby grant or deny permission to use the image of my child/children as marked by selecting APPROVE or DENY under this paragraph. Such use includes the display, distribution, publication, transmission or use of photographs, images and/or video taken of my child for use in materials that include, but may not be limited to, printed materials such as display boards, newsletters, digital images and videos.