Here to Help Your Family

Family Foundations Canada is a nonprofit faith based ministry designed to equip and help individuals, marriages and families navigate the complexities of life in an ever-changing world.

KCF is a local facilitator of Family Foundations courses and offers the below courses periodically.

Healing for the hurting Heart course

Learn how to deal with the traumatic experiences in your life

Do you carry false images in your heart?
Have you hardened your heart to keep hurt out?
How do we soften our hardened hearts and break the power of shame in our lives?

This course addresses these topics by identifying the false images, the lies and viruses we believe about who we are, our value and our worth. Experience how your identity can come from who God says you are.

Learn how to deal with the traumatic experiences in your life!

This course covers six powerful teaching sessions by Craig Hill and includes personal ministry time with an FFC-trained facilitator in a small group format.

Starting in September 2024

Have you had painful relationship experiences?
What do you think of when you hear the word 'family'?
Are you hiding painful feelings of shame?
Have you put up walls around your heart to keep hurt out?
Have you been angry at God, others or yourself?

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Have you had painful relationship experiences?
What do you think of when you hear the word 'family'?
Are you hiding painful feelings of shame?
Have you put up walls around your heart to keep hurt out?